
FireRack RackmountFireRack is a Network Access Control (NAC) solution developed in-house by Netservers.


The first version of FireRack was developed back in the year 2000 to provide network segmentation and security on Netservers' co-location network. Each customer was given their own "Virtual Firewall" and was protected from other customer's servers by a FireRack firewall appliance.

In 2001 FireRack had its first deployment within Cambridge University. Additional features were implemented specifically for use in a college network. MAC-IP matching enabled to college to eradicate unregistered PCs and IP address theft from their network.

In 2002 FireRack was sold to more colleges in Cambridge University. Switch management and MAC address tracking was introduced. This enabled the colleges to track the movement of MAC addresses around the network both in real-time and retrospectively.

A fully fledged host registration system was introduced in 2003. This system removed the administrative overhead of registering student equipment, improved the accuracy of data collection and gave students the freedom to update their own equipment register.

FireRack has continued to evolve over the years since then into a fully-fledged Network Access Control system. Other features that have been added over the years are:

  • Dynamic VLAN configuration
  • Peer-to-peer detection
  • Multicast routing capability
  • Traffic Shaping
  • User bandwidth quota management

Web-based management

For its very inception FireRack web-based management was a feature of FireRack. In a co-location/hosting environment it important that customers have full control over their own firewall policy.

All major browsers are supported.

Browser Logos

Documents discussing key FireRack features:

Hardware Options


For more information on FireRack please email